27 December 2020

Saying goodbye (and thank you) to 2020

To say 2020 has been challenging would be an understatement.


I was going to write a blog about silver linings and looking for the good that 2020 has taught us, words like connection, empathy, time, perspective all came up and are all great things that have come up this year, but as I was writing it, I realised there was only one word that really mattered to us as business owners this year: 




We kept going. 

Businesses kept fighting and adapting. 

We’ve become stronger, more resilient business owners as a result. 

We’ve run our businesses from kitchen worktops with kids begging for snacks, hosted team meetings perched on the edge of a bed, found that one place in the house where the background looks somewhat presentable for those all-important client meetings (ignoring the massive pile of washing just behind the screen!). We’ve gone to sleep and woken up to an entirely different world overnight, fought to keep our workplace safe, protected our team’s salaries, made sure they felt looked after and supported all the while constantly adapting strategies and projections to keep up with the ever-changing climate. 


We kept going. 


And while we may not be out of the woods yet, and we don’t know what 2021 has in store, we can all go into it confident in the knowledge that thanks to 2020, we’re ready to take it on.


Consider this a huge pat on the back, from one business owner to another. 


We’ll see you in 2021!

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