02 December 2021

The Magic of Coaching – Guest Blog – Claire Bradshaw Associates

The magic of coaching

by Claire Bradshaw

I’m often asked what coaching is. A good question! I often reply ‘it’s a little touch of magic’ before going on to talk in a bit more detail, and it can certainly feel like that when you are able to enjoy the benefits of a coaching conversation. But magic isn’t the whole story.

So here’s another way to think about coaching, and I’ll start with a question: when was the last time you were listened to really well? I mean, without interruption? Without judgement? Without someone telling you what to do? When were you last afforded that luxury?

If you’re fortunate enough to be able to recall a time, go back to that conversation in your mind and remember the impact it had for you on your thinking, your feelings and your actions. What do you notice….?

That’s the magic!

The great news is, we can create a similar kind of magic for others by choosing how we show up to the conversations we have, how we choose to listen and what we choose to ask (and perhaps not to ask). That’s coaching. An approach. A way of being even. And it’s really simple. A short introduction to the skills and beliefs associated with coaching can have a powerful impact on your relationships both at home and at work, on performance, on value and esteem and on learning and personal insight. As a manager, business owner, consultant, colleague, teacher or friend, coaching is an accessible way to bring magic into your own life and the lives of those you work with.

Thank you so much to Claire for her wonderful insights into the magic of coaching! You can find out more about what Claire has to offer here.

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