01 February 2021

My Journey with Stress – National Heart Month


It’s often called a silent killer.

Many people dismiss it as something that you just have to handle. “Pull yourself together” “ if you can’t stand the heat” ..all phrases that are meant to show that the person speaking has a handle on life.

Mostly they don’t. Certainly not today.

Chris, our MD, shares his journey with stress for the first time, in the hope, it helps you become more stress aware.



"20 years ago, everyone but me could see the problem. I had the drive to be the best at everything, to drive my teams harder, and prove myself over and over again. In the meantime, people saw me working longer hours, abandoning much-loved hobbies, arguing more and more. Eventually, I collapsed and ended up in the hospital and off work for 4 months. I, of course, am an idiot. So I went back to work and did it all over again. And collapsed again. At this point colleagues and family stepped in, I changed my career and set up JCM. I needed to make a change, to take back control of my life, to find a new rhythm." 

What happens in such extreme cases is that the toxic brew of high blood pressure and adrenaline build-up to such an extent that the body just shuts down. If you’re lucky, you have someone with you who acts quickly. Otherwise, it’s touch and go.

It’s a silent killer

The good news is that the signs of stress build-up are really common and, if you’re stress aware, easy to spot and do something about:

Do you get angry and worked up about things you can’t change? 

Do you constantly worry about how other people perceive you?

Do you struggle to do the things you like because you just feel lethargic?

Are you in a constant state of panic or overwhelm?

It’s fine to feel like this some of the time. We all do. These are stressful times we are living in! But if this is a constant theme in your life, take this as your warning and invitation to take a minute to breathe and do something about it. 

As business owners, and as people, we’ve gone through more in the past 12 months than we ever thought possible.

But we’ve carried on pushing!

Now more than ever, we need to be stress aware. Pay attention to how your feeling at certain times.

What are your stress triggers?

Do you have unnecessary stress in your life that you can eliminate?

When you know you have a stressful day ahead, what is your plan to destress after?

All month long, our aim is to help you destress. From daily reminders to breathe, tips to manage lockdown life, as well as a new training series to help you make the most out of your Zoho CRM and destress in your business life.

Make sure you’re following us on social media @Team_JCM so you don’t miss a thing!

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